
From stdpp Require Import prelude sorting finite.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From LS2NF Require Import grammar util ambiguity acyclic sub_derive slice derivation witness.

Section encoding.


Assuming the terminal set Σ and nonterminal set N are finite.
  Context {Σ N : Type} `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!Inhabited Σ} `{!EqDecision N} `{!Finite N}.

Consider an acyclic LS2NF G.
  Context (G : grammar Σ N) `{!acyclic G}.

  Open Scope grammar_scope.

Satisfying Model

As mentioned in the paper, a satisfying model consists of two categories of variables.
First, we encode the ambiguous sentence with the following three groups of variables:
  • term i for $\mathcal{T}_i$, the token at index i
  • line i for $\mathcal{L}_i$, the line number of the token at index i
  • col i for $\mathcal{C}_i$, the line number of the token at index i
Second, we introduce auxiliary propositional variables to state whether a derivation or reachability judgment holds:
  • can_derive A x δ ($\mathcal{D}^A_{x, \delta}$) states whether G A slice w x δ, where slice w x δ gives the substring of w with starting index x and length δ) (i.e., the notation $w_{x, \delta}$ used in the paper)
  • can_reach_from A x δ ($\mathcal{R}^A_{x, \delta}$) states whether (S, w) →∗ (A, slice w x δ)
  • ε_can_reach_from A ($\mathcal{R}^A_{\varepsilon}$) states whether (S, w) →∗ (A, ε)
  Record model := {
    term : nat Σ;
    line : nat nat;
    col : nat nat;
    line_col i := (line i, col i); (* a short-hand to get the position of the i-th token *)
    can_derive : N nat (* start (inclusive) *) nat (* length, positive *) Prop;
    can_reach_from : N nat (* start (inclusive) *) nat (* length, positive *) Prop;
    ε_can_reach_from : N Prop;

Decode a sentence with length k from a model m.
  Definition decode m k : sentence Σ :=
    (λ i, term m i @ (line m i, col m i)) <$> (index_range k).

  Lemma decode_length m k :
    length (decode m k) = k.
    by rewrite fmap_length index_range_length.

  Lemma decode_lookup m k i :
    i < k (decode m k) !! i = Some (term m i @ (line m i, col m i)).
    intros. rewrite list_lookup_fmap index_range_lookup //.

Encode a model that encodes the given sentence w. Note that the type class constraint `{!Inhabited Σ} is used to obtain an inhabitant as a placeholder value for constructing term : nat Σ. Ideally, term should be defined as a partial function nat option Σ which will be undefined for any outside index i length w, or even fancier vec Σ (length w), i.e., a vector of Σ with exactly length w elements. However, either approach will bring laborious work in Coq formulation. So here, we intentionally define term as a total function, but will only access its value for valid indices less than length w.
  Definition encode S (w : sentence Σ) : model := {|
    term i :=
      match w !! i with
      | Some (a @ _) ⇒ a
      | Noneinhabitant (* Σ is nonempty *)
    line i :=
      match w !! i with
      | Some (_ @ (x, _)) ⇒ x
      | None ⇒ 0
    col i :=
      match w !! i with
      | Some (_ @ (_, y)) ⇒ y
      | None ⇒ 0
    can_derive A x δ := (G A slice w x δ);
    can_reach_from A x δ := (reachable G (S, w) (A, slice w x δ));
    ε_can_reach_from A := (reachable G (S, w) (A, []));

  Lemma decode_encode S w :
    decode (encode S w) (length w) = w.
    apply list_eq_same_length with (n := length w) ⇒ //.
    { by rewrite decode_length. }
    intros i x y ?. rewrite decode_lookup //=. repeat case_match.
    all: intros ?; match goal with
    | H : ?x = _ |- ?x = _ _rewrite H
    end ⇒ //.

  Implicit Type w : sentence Σ.
  Implicit Type x δ : nat.


A formula is a predicate over a bounded model (the bound is the sentence length). The usual notion of satisfaction m Φ is essentially Φ m.
  Definition formula : Type := nat model Prop.

Encoding Layout Constraints

For every possible layout constraint used in the grammar, we assume there is a formula, encoded by Φ_app₁ (for unary) or Φ_app₂ (for binary), that consistently encodes its semantics, as required by axiom Φ_app₁_spec or Φ_app₂_spec.
Note: Φ_app₂ φ x1 δ1 x2 δ2 k m corresponds to $\Phi_\varphi(x_1, \delta_1, \delta_1 + \delta_2)$ when x2 = x1 + δ1.

Encoding Well-Formedness

Note: this is elided in the paper for simplicity.
  Definition Φ_well_formed : formula := λ k m,
     i, 0 i < k - 1
      line m i < line m (i + 1) (line m i = line m (i + 1) col m i < col m (i + 1)).

  Local Hint Resolve pos_token_lt_trans : core.
  Local Hint Unfold pos_token_lt : core.

  Lemma Φ_well_formed_sat X w :
    well_formed w
    Φ_well_formed (length w) (encode X w).
    intros Hw i ?. apply Sorted_monotone in Hw; eauto.
    have [[a [l1 c1]] Ha] : is_Some (w !! i) by apply lookup_lt_is_Some; lia.
    have [[b [l2 c2]] Hb] : is_Some (w !! (i + 1)) by apply lookup_lt_is_Some; lia.
    specialize (Hw _ _ _ _ Ha Hb (ltac:(lia))).
    simpl in ×. by rewrite Ha Hb.

  Lemma Φ_well_formed_spec k m :
    Φ_well_formed k m well_formed (decode m k).
    intros . apply Sorted_monotone; eauto.
    apply monotone_trans_alt_spec; eauto.
    intros i [a [l1 c1]] [b [l2 c2]] Hi Ha Hb.
    rewrite decode_length in Hi.
    rewrite decode_lookup in Ha; [lia|]. invert Ha.
    rewrite decode_lookup in Hb; [lia|]. invert Hb.
    apply . lia.

  Lemma well_formed_no_dup w : well_formed w NoDup w.
    induction w as [|a w IHw] ⇒ Hwf; constructor.
    - apply Sorted_extends in Hwf; last apply pos_token_lt_trans.
      rewriteForall_forall in Hwf.
      intros Hin. specialize (Hwf _ Hin). destruct a as [? [x y]].
      unfold pos_token_lt in Hwf. simpl in Hwf. lia.
    - invert Hwf. eauto.

  Local Hint Resolve Φ_well_formed_spec well_formed_no_dup : core.

Encoding Derivation Relation

This definition is the encoding for . To convert it to our paper's notation, remember:
  • can_derive m A x δ is $\mathcal{D}^A_{x, \delta}$
  • Φ_app₁ φ x δ k m is $\Phi_\varphi(x, \delta)$
  • Φ_app₂ φ x δ' (x + δ') (δ - δ') k m is $\Phi_\varphi(x, \delta', \delta)$
  • term m x is $\mathcal{T}_x$
  • G A [] is $null(A)$
The major difference is that, the "big"-or operator like $\bigvee_{A \to a \in P} \psi$ in our paper is written by an equivalent existential-form a, A atom a G \psi in Coq. We follow this style in encoding the reachability relation and the existence of dissimilar parse trees.
On the rhs of , the first disjunct False corresponds to the case of using epsilon-rule $A \to \varepsilon$, but not applicable here. This is elided in the paper; while for ease of proof we explicitly state it here. The other three disjuncts exactly correspond to the three disjuncts displayed in the paper.
  Definition Φ_derive : formula := λ k m,
     A x δ, 0 < δ (* nonempty *) x + δ k
      can_derive m A x δ (
        ( a, A atom a G δ = 1 term m x = a)
        ( B φ, A unary B φ G Φ_app₁ φ x δ k m can_derive m B x δ)
        ( Bl Br φ, A binary Bl Br φ G (
          (G Bl [] can_derive m Br x δ)
          (G Br [] can_derive m Bl x δ)
          ( δ', 0 < δ' < δ
            can_derive m Bl x δ' can_derive m Br (x + δ') (δ - δ')
            Φ_app₂ φ x δ' (x + δ') (δ - δ') k m)

  Lemma Φ_derive_sat X w :
    well_formed w
    Φ_derive (length w) (encode X w).
    intros ? A x δ ? ?.
    have Heq : can_derive (encode X w) A x δ check_derive G A (slice w x δ).
    { rewrite check_derive_spec derivation_spec //. }
    rewrite Heq.
    unfold check_derive. setoid_rewrite derivation_spec.
    simpl can_derive.
    setoid_rewrite Φ_app₁_spec. setoid_rewrite Φ_app₂_spec.
    setoid_rewrite decode_encode.
    repeat apply ZifyClasses.or_morph.
    - rewrite slice_nil_iff; lia.
    - split.
      + intros [a [p [Hw ?]]]. a.
        apply slice_singleton_iff in Hw as [-> Hw] ⇒ //.
        repeat split ⇒ //=. by rewrite Hw.
      + intros [a [? [? Hw]]].
        have [? Hx] : is_Some (w !! x) by apply lookup_lt_is_Some; lia.
        simpl in Hw. rewrite Hx in Hw. case_match; subst.
         a. eexists. rewrite slice_singleton_iff //.
        repeat split; eauto.
    - done.
    - split.
      + intros [Bl [Br [φ [? [w1 [w2 [Hw [Hφ [HBl HBr]]]]]]]]].
        have Hl : length (w1 ++ w2) = δ.
        { apply (f_equal length) in Hw. by rewrite slice_length in Hw. }
         Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
        destruct w1 as [|tk1 w1]; last destruct w2.
        × left. rewrite app_nil_l in Hw. by rewrite Hw.
        × right; left. rewrite app_nil_r in Hw. by rewrite Hw.
        × right; right. apply slice_app_inv_NoDup in Hw as [Hw1 Hw2]; eauto.
          rewrite app_length !cons_length in Hl.
           (length (tk1 :: w1)). rewrite -Hw1 -Hw2.
          repeat split ⇒ //. all: rewrite cons_length; lia.
      + intros [Bl [Br [φ [? [Hd|[Hd|Hd]]]]]].
        × destruct Hd as [? ?].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
           [], (slice w x δ). rewrite app_nil_l.
          repeat split ⇒ //. destruct φ asHφ]; apply Hφ; by left.
        × destruct Hd as [? ?].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
           (slice w x δ), []. rewrite app_nil_r.
          repeat split ⇒ //. destruct φ asHφ]; apply Hφ; by right.
        × destruct Hd as [δ' [? [? [? ?]]]].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
           (slice w x δ'), (slice w (x + δ') (δ - δ')).
          rewrite slice_app_1. have → : δ' + (δ - δ') = δ by lia.
          repeat split ⇒ //.

  Lemma list_nonempty_length {A} (l : list A) :
    l [] 0 < length l.
    rewrite -Nat.neq_0_lt_0.
    apply not_iff_compat.
    have ? := length_zero_iff_nil.

Correctness of Φ_derive (Lemma 5.1).
  Lemma Φ_derive_spec k m :
    Φ_well_formed k m
    Φ_derive k m
     A x δ, 0 < δ x + δ k
      can_derive m A x δ G A slice (decode m k) x δ.
    intros ? A x δ ? ?.
    (* induction on range length *)
    generalize dependent A.
    generalize dependent x.
    induction δ as [δ IHδ] using lt_wf_indx Hk A.
    (* induction on nonterminal *)
    have Hwf : wf (flip (succ G)) by apply acyclic_prec_wf.
    induction A as [A IHA] using (well_founded_induction Hwf).
    (* rewrite definition *)
    rewrite ; [done..|]. setoid_rewrite Φ_app₁_spec. setoid_rewrite Φ_app₂_spec.
    rewrite -derivation_spec -check_derive_spec /check_derive. setoid_rewrite derivation_spec.
    repeat apply ZifyClasses.or_morph.
    - rewrite slice_nil_iff ?decode_length; lia.
    - split.
      + intros [a [? [-> ?]]]. a, (line m x, col m x).
        rewrite slice_singleton_iff ?decode_length //.
        rewrite decode_lookup; [lia|].
      + intros [a [p [Hw ?]]]. a.
        apply slice_singleton_iff in Hw as [-> Hw]; last by rewrite decode_length.
        rewrite decode_lookup in Hw; [lia|].
    - split.
      + intros [B [φ [? [? ?]]]]. B, φ.
        repeat split ⇒ //. apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_unary; eauto.
      + intros [B [φ [? [? ?]]]]. B, φ.
        repeat split ⇒ //. apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_unary; eauto.
    - split.
      + intros [Bl [Br [φ [? [Hd|[Hd|Hd]]]]]].
        × destruct Hd as [? ?].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
           []. eexists. rewrite app_nil_l.
          repeat split ⇒ //; first by destruct φ asHφ]; apply Hφ; by left.
          apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_right; eauto.
        × destruct Hd as [? ?].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
          eexists. []. rewrite app_nil_r.
          repeat split ⇒ //; first by destruct φ asHφ]; apply Hφ; by right.
          apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_left; eauto.
        × destruct Hd as [δ' [? [? [? ?]]]].
           Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
          do 2 eexists. repeat split; eauto.
          { rewrite -slice_split; [lia | done]. }
          all: apply IHδ ⇒ //; lia.
      + intros [Bl [Br [φ [? [w1 [w2 [Hw [Hφ [HBl HBr]]]]]]]]].
        have Hl : length (w1 ++ w2) = δ.
        { apply (f_equal length) in Hw. rewrite slice_length in Hw; [rewrite decode_length; lia | done]. }
         Bl, Br, φ. split; first done.
        destruct w1 as [|tk1 w1]; last destruct w2.
        × left. rewrite app_nil_l in Hw. split ⇒ //.
          apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_right; eauto. by rewrite Hw.
        × right; left. rewrite app_nil_r in Hw. split ⇒ //.
          apply IHA ⇒ //. eapply succ_left; eauto. by rewrite Hw.
        × right; right. apply slice_app_inv_NoDup in Hw as [Hw1 Hw2]; eauto.
          all: rewrite ?decode_length //.
          rewrite Hw1 in HBl, Hφ. rewrite Hw2 in HBr, Hφ.
          rewrite app_length !cons_length in Hl.
           (length (tk1 :: w1)). repeat split ⇒ //.
          all: try apply IHδ ⇒ //.
          all: rewrite cons_length; lia.

Encoding Reachability Relation

This definition is the encoding for $\Phi_R^{\not\varepsilon}$, the nonempty counterpart. The $ite$ predicate used in our paper is now simply the standard "if-then-else" expression in Coq; and we use bool_decide : Prop bool to convert a decidable proposition into a Boolean value. In a similar way of looking at Φ_derive, it should be straightforward to convert Φ_reach_nonempty into the formula shown in the paper.
  Definition Φ_reach_nonempty S : formula := λ k m,
     B x δ, 0 < δ x + δ k
      can_reach_from m B x δ (
        (B = S x = 0 δ = k)
        ( A φ, A unary B φ G can_reach_from m A x δ Φ_app₁ φ x δ k m)
        ( A B' φ δ', x + δ + δ' k A binary B B' φ G can_reach_from m A x (δ + δ')
          (if bool_decide (δ' = 0) then G B' [] else can_derive m B' (x + δ) δ')
          Φ_app₂ φ x δ (x + δ) δ' k m)
        ( A B' φ δ', δ' x A binary B' B φ G can_reach_from m A (x - δ') (δ' + δ)
          (if bool_decide (δ' = 0) then G B' [] else can_derive m B' (x - δ') δ')
          Φ_app₂ φ (x - δ') δ' x δ k m)

This definition is the encoding for $\Phi_R^{\varepsilon}$, the empty counterpart.
  Definition Φ_reach_empty S : formula := λ k m,
     B, ε_can_reach_from m B (
      (B = S k = 0)
      ( A φ, A unary B φ G ε_can_reach_from m A)
      ( A B' φ, A binary B B' φ G (
        (ε_can_reach_from m A G B' [])
        ( x δ, 0 < δ x + δ k
          can_reach_from m A x δ can_derive m B' x δ)))
      ( A B' φ, A binary B' B φ G (
        (ε_can_reach_from m A G B' [])
        ( x δ, 0 < δ x + δ k
          can_reach_from m A x δ can_derive m B' x δ)))

  Definition Φ_reach S : formula := λ k m,
    Φ_reach_nonempty S k m Φ_reach_empty S k m.

  Lemma Φ_reach_nonempty_sat X w k :
    well_formed w
    length w = k
    Φ_reach_nonempty X k (encode X w).
    intros ? <- B x δ ? ?.
    have Heq : can_reach_from (encode X w) B x δ check_reachable_from G (X, w) (B, slice w x δ).
    { rewrite check_reachable_from_spec reachable_from_spec //. }
    rewrite Heq /=.
    setoid_rewrite reachable_from_spec.
    setoid_rewrite Φ_app₁_spec. setoid_rewrite Φ_app₂_spec.
    setoid_rewrite decode_encode.
    repeat apply ZifyClasses.or_morph.
    - rewrite slice_full_iff //. apply list_nonempty_length; lia.
    - done.
    - split.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [wr [? [Hr [? ?]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ, (length wr).
        destruct wr as [|tk l].
        × rewrite /= slice_nil !Nat.add_0_r.
          rewrite app_nil_r in Hr.
          repeat split ⇒ //.
        × case_bool_decide ⇒ //.
          have Hsub : sublist (slice w x δ ++ tk :: l) w by eapply reachable_sublist; eauto.
          apply sublist_app_slice_NoDup in Hsub as [x' [Hlen [Hx' Hl]]];
            [| eauto | rewrite slice_length; lia | lia].
          rewrite slice_length in Hlen ⇒ //.
          apply slice_eq_inv_NoDup in Hx' as [? ]; eauto; [|rewrite slice_length; lia..].
          subst. rewrite in Hl. rewrite -slice_app_1 -Hl.
          repeat split ⇒ //.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [δ' [? [? [Hr [Hd Hφ]]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ, (slice w (x + δ) δ').
        rewrite slice_app_1.
        repeat split ⇒ //.
        case_bool_decide; [by subst | done].
    - split.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [wl [? [Hr [? ?]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ, (length wl).
        destruct wl as [|tk l].
        × rewrite /= slice_nil !Nat.sub_0_r.
          rewrite app_nil_l in Hr.
          repeat split ⇒ //. lia.
        × case_bool_decide ⇒ //.
          have Hsub : sublist ((tk :: l) ++ slice w x δ) w by eapply reachable_sublist; eauto.
          apply sublist_app_slice_NoDup in Hsub as [x' [Hlen [Hx' Hl]]];
            [| eauto | rewrite cons_length; lia | rewrite slice_length; lia].
          rewrite slice_length in Hlen ⇒ //. rewrite slice_length in Hl ⇒ //.
          apply slice_eq_inv_NoDup in Hl as [? ]; eauto; [|rewrite slice_length; lia..].
          subst. rewrite Nat.add_sub -slice_app_1 -Hx'.
          repeat split ⇒ //. lia.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [δ' [? [? [Hr [Hd Hφ]]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ, (slice w (x - δ') δ').
        rewrite slice_app_2; [lia|].
        repeat split ⇒ //.
        case_bool_decide; [by subst | done].

  Lemma apply_unary_nil (φ : unary_predicate Σ) :
    app₁ φ [] = true.
  Proof. by destruct φ. Qed.

  Lemma apply_binary_nil_l (φ : binary_predicate Σ) w :
    app₂ φ [] w = true.
  Proof. destruct φ; naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma apply_binary_nil_r (φ : binary_predicate Σ) w :
    app₂ φ w [] = true.
  Proof. destruct φ; naive_solver. Qed.

  Lemma Φ_reach_empty_sat k X w :
    length w = k
    Φ_reach_empty X k (encode X w).
    intros <- B.
    have Heq : ε_can_reach_from (encode X w) B check_reachable_from G (X, w) (B, []).
    { rewrite check_reachable_from_spec reachable_from_spec //. }
    rewrite Heq /=.
    setoid_rewrite reachable_from_spec.
    repeat apply ZifyClasses.or_morph.
    - rewrite length_zero_iff_nil. naive_solver.
    - setoid_rewrite apply_unary_nil. naive_solver.
    - setoid_rewrite apply_binary_nil_l. split.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [w' [? [Hr [? ?]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ. split; first done.
        destruct w' as [|t w']; [by left | right].
        have Hsub : sublist (t :: w') w by eapply reachable_sublist; eauto.
        apply sublist_slice in Hsub as [a [? Hw]].
         a, (length (t :: w')).
        rewrite -Hw. repeat split ⇒ //. rewrite cons_length; lia.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [? [Hr|Hr]]]]].
        × destruct Hr as [? ?].
           A, B', φ, [].
          repeat split ⇒ //.
        × destruct Hr as [x [δ [? [? [? ?]]]]].
           A, B', φ, (slice w x δ).
          repeat split ⇒ //.
    - setoid_rewrite apply_binary_nil_r.
      setoid_rewrite app_nil_r. split.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [w' [? [Hr [? ?]]]]]]].
         A, B', φ. split; first done.
        destruct w' as [|t w']; [by left | right].
        have Hsub : sublist (t :: w') w by eapply reachable_sublist; eauto.
        apply sublist_slice in Hsub as [a [? Hw]].
         a, (length (t :: w')).
        rewrite -Hw. repeat split ⇒ //. rewrite cons_length; lia.
      + intros [A [B' [φ [? [Hr|Hr]]]]].
        × destruct Hr as [? ?].
           A, B', φ, [].
          repeat split ⇒ //.
        × destruct Hr as [x [δ [? [? [? ?]]]]].
           A, B', φ, (slice w x δ).
          repeat split ⇒ //.

  Lemma Φ_reach_sat k X w :
    well_formed w
    length w = k
    Φ_reach X k (encode X w).
    intros ? <-. split; by [apply Φ_reach_nonempty_sat | apply Φ_reach_empty_sat].

Correctness of Φ_reach_nonempty (Lemma 5.4).
  Lemma Φ_reach_nonempty_spec k S m :
    Φ_well_formed k m
    Φ_derive k m
    Φ_reach_nonempty S k m
     B x δ, 0 < δ x + δ k
      can_reach_from m B x δ (* only this direction is needed *)
      reachable G (S, decode m k) (B, slice (decode m k) x δ).
    intros ? HΦ' B x δ ? ? ?. rewrite -reachable_from_spec.
    (* induction on range length *)
    generalize dependent B.
    generalize dependent x.
    induction δ as [δ IHδ] using (induction_ltof1 _ (λ δ, k - δ)) ⇒ x Hk B.
    unfold ltof in IHδ.
    (* induction on nonterminal *)
    have Hwf : wf (succ G) by apply acyclic_succ_wf.
    induction B as [B IHB] using (well_founded_induction Hwf).
    rewrite //.
    setoid_rewrite Φ_app₁_spec. setoid_rewrite Φ_app₂_spec.
    intros [Hr|[Hr|[Hr|Hr]]].
    - destruct Hr as [-> [-> ->]].
      rewrite slice_full ?decode_length //.
    - destruct Hr as [A [φ [? [? ?]]]].
      eapply reachable_from_unary; eauto.
      apply IHB ⇒ //. eapply succ_unary; eauto.
    - destruct Hr as [A [B' [φ [δ' [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]]]].
      case_bool_decide; subst.
      × eapply reachable_from_left; eauto.
        rewrite app_nil_r. apply IHB.
        { eapply succ_left; eauto. }
        have → : δ = δ + 0 by lia. done.
      × eapply reachable_from_left; eauto.
        rewrite slice_app_1. apply IHδ ⇒ //; lia.
        { eapply Φ_derive_spec; eauto; lia. }
    - destruct Hr as [A [B' [φ [δ' [? [? [Hr [? ?]]]]]]]].
      case_bool_decide; subst; eapply reachable_from_right; eauto.
      × rewrite Nat.sub_0_r Nat.add_0_l in Hr. rewrite app_nil_l.
        apply IHB ⇒ //. eapply succ_right; eauto.
      × rewrite slice_app_2 //. apply IHδ ⇒ //; lia.
      × eapply Φ_derive_spec; eauto; lia.

Correctness of Φ_reach_empty (Lemma 5.3).
  Lemma Φ_reach_empty_spec S k m :
    Φ_well_formed k m
    Φ_derive k m
    Φ_reach_nonempty S k m
    Φ_reach_empty S k m
      ε_can_reach_from m B (* only this direction is needed *)
      reachable G (S, decode m k) (B, []).
    intros ? ? ? B. rewrite -reachable_from_spec.
    (* induction on nonterminal *)
    have Hwf : wf (succ G) by apply acyclic_succ_wf.
    induction B as [B IHB] using (well_founded_induction Hwf).
    rewrite //. intros [Hr|[Hr|[Hr|Hr]]].
      + destruct Hr as [<- ->]. constructor.
      + destruct Hr as [A [φ [Hp ?]]].
        eapply reachable_from_unary; [apply Hp | | apply apply_unary_nil].
        apply IHB ⇒ //. eapply succ_unary; eauto.
      + destruct Hr as [A [B' [φ [Hp [Hr|Hr]]]]].
        × destruct Hr as [? ?].
          eapply reachable_from_left; [apply Hp | | eauto | apply apply_binary_nil_l].
          rewrite app_nil_l. apply IHB ⇒ //. eapply succ_left; eauto.
        × destruct Hr as [x [δ [? [? [Hr Hd]]]]].
          eapply Φ_derive_spec in Hd; eauto.
          eapply reachable_from_left; [apply Hp | | eauto | apply apply_binary_nil_l].
          rewrite app_nil_l. apply reachable_from_spec, Φ_reach_nonempty_spec; eauto.
      + destruct Hr as [A [B' [φ [Hp [Hr|Hr]]]]].
        × destruct Hr as [? ?].
          eapply reachable_from_right; [apply Hp | | eauto | apply apply_binary_nil_r].
          rewrite app_nil_r. apply IHB ⇒ //. eapply succ_right; eauto.
        × destruct Hr as [x [δ [? [? [Hr Hd]]]]].
          eapply Φ_derive_spec in Hd; eauto.
          eapply reachable_from_right; [apply Hp | | eauto | apply apply_binary_nil_r].
          rewrite app_nil_r. apply reachable_from_spec, Φ_reach_nonempty_spec; eauto.

Encoding the Existence of Dissimilar Parse Trees

Syntax of choice clauses: the following four constructors correspond to $$\psi ::= \varepsilon \mid a \mid B^\varphi \mid B_1^{\delta'} \mathbin\varphi B_2$$ Note: last case using_binary requires a nat to specify the prefix length $\delta'$.
  Inductive choice_clause : Type :=
  | using_ε : choice_clause
  | using_atom : Σ choice_clause
  | using_unary : N unary_predicate Σ choice_clause
  | using_binary : N N binary_predicate Σ nat (* length of first part *) choice_clause

All possible choice clauses of nonterminal A according to the production rules, namely the function $\Gamma(A, \delta)$ defined in the paper. The auxiliary function clauses G A returns all right-hand sides of A in grammar G.
  Definition choice_clauses A δ : list choice_clause :=
    clauses G A ≫= (λ α, match α with
    | ε[using_ε]
    | atom a[using_atom a]
    | unary B φ ⇒ [using_unary B φ]
    | binary Bl Br φ ⇒ (λ δ', using_binary Bl Br φ δ') <$> (index_range δ ++ [δ])

  Lemma elem_of_choice_clauses ψ A δ :
    ψ choice_clauses A δ match ψ with
    | using_εA ε G
    | using_atom aA atom a G
    | using_unary B φ ⇒ A unary B φ G
    | using_binary Bl Br φ δ'A binary Bl Br φ G δ' δ
    rewrite /choice_clauses elem_of_list_bind. split.
    - (* -> *)
      intros [α [Hin ?]]. repeat case_match ⇒ //.
      all: repeat match goal with
      | [H : _ [_] |- _ ] ⇒ apply elem_of_list_singleton in H; invert H
      | [H : _ _ <$> _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply elem_of_list_fmap in H as [x [H Hx]]; invert H
      end ⇒ //.
      split ⇒ //. apply elem_of_app in Hx as [|Hx].
      × suff : x < δ by lia. by apply index_range_elem_of.
      × suff : x = δ by lia. by apply elem_of_list_singleton in Hx.
    - (* <- *)
      destruct ψ as [| a | B φ | Bl Br φ δ'] ⇒ Hp.
      × ε. split ⇒ //. by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
      × (atom a). split ⇒ //. by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
      × (unary B φ). split ⇒ //. by apply elem_of_list_singleton.
      × (binary Bl Br φ). destruct Hp as [? Hδ']. split ⇒ //. apply elem_of_list_fmap.
         δ'. split ⇒ //. apply Nat.le_lteq in Hδ' as [?|?]; apply elem_of_app; by
          [left; apply index_range_elem_of | right; apply elem_of_list_singleton].

Semantics of choice clauses: each encodes the condition of fulfilling the first derivation step when using it, namely the function $[[\psi]]_{x, \delta}$ defined in the paper. Again, the $ite$ predicate is now simply the standard "if-then-else" expression in Coq.
  Definition Φ_choice_sem ψ x δ : formula :=
    match ψ with
    | using_ελ k m, δ = 0
    | using_atom aλ k m, δ = 1 term m x = a
    | using_unary B φ ⇒ λ k m,
      if bool_decide (δ = 0) then G B []
      else Φ_app₁ φ x δ k m can_derive m B x δ
    | using_binary Bl Br φ δ'λ k m,
      (if bool_decide (δ' = 0) then G Bl [] else can_derive m Bl x δ')
      (if bool_decide (δ - δ' = 0) then G Br [] else can_derive m Br (x + δ') (δ - δ'))
      Φ_app₂ φ x δ' (x + δ') (δ - δ') k m

  Lemma Φ_choice_sem_witness k m x δ A ψ :
    Φ_well_formed k m
    Φ_derive k m
    x + δ k
    ψ choice_clauses A δ
    Φ_choice_sem ψ x δ k m match ψ with
    | using_εδ = 0 ε_tree A A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ
    | using_atom aδ = 1 a = term m x let p := (line m x, col m x) in
      (token_tree A (a @ p)) A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ
    | using_unary B _ t, root t = B (unary_tree A t) A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ
    | using_binary Bl Br _ δ' t1 t2, root t1 = Bl root t2 = Br
      word t1 = slice (decode m k) x δ' (binary_tree A t1 t2) A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ
    intros ? ? ? Hψ. destruct ψ as [| a | B φ | Bl Br φ δ'] ⇒ /=.
    all: apply elem_of_choice_clauses in Hψ.
    - split; last naive_solver.
      intros →. split; first done. by apply witness_ε.
    - split; last naive_solver.
      intros [-> Hx]. split; first done.
      erewrite slice_singleton; last by rewrite decode_lookup; [lia|eauto].
      rewrite Hx. split; first done. by apply witness_atom.
    - unfold derive. case_bool_decide.
      + subst. rewrite slice_nil. split.
        × intros [t [? [? ?]]]. subst. t.
          rewrite witness_unary; eauto. repeat split ⇒ //. apply apply_unary_nil.
        × intros [t [? Ht]]. subst. eapply witness_unary in Ht; eauto. naive_solver.
      + rewrite Φ_app₁_spec.
        rewrite Φ_derive_spec; eauto; [lia|]. unfold derive.
        × intros [? [t [? [? ?]]]]. subst. t.
          rewrite witness_unary; eauto. repeat split ⇒ //.
        × intros [t [? Ht]]. subst. eapply witness_unary in Ht; eauto. naive_solver.
    - destruct Hψ as [Hψ ?]. unfold derive. rewrite Φ_app₂_spec. repeat case_bool_decide.
      Ltac finish := split;
        [ intros [[t1 [? [Hw1 ?]]] [[t2 [? [? ?]]] ?]]; subst; t1, t2;
          rewrite -{2}Hw1 witness_binary ?Hw1; eauto; repeat split ⇒ //
        | intros [t1 [t2 [? [? [Hw1 Ht]]]]]; subst;
          rewrite -{1}Hw1 in Ht; eapply witness_binary in Ht; eauto; rewrite Hw1 in Ht; naive_solver
      + have → : δ = 0 by lia.
        have → : slice (decode m k) x 0 = [] ++ [] by rewrite slice_nil.
        have → : δ' = 0 by lia. rewrite slice_nil.
      + have → : slice (decode m k) x δ = [] ++ slice (decode m k) x δ by rewrite app_nil_l.
        subst. rewrite Nat.add_0_r Nat.sub_0_r slice_nil.
        rewrite Φ_derive_spec; eauto; [lia|]. unfold derive.
      + have → : slice (decode m k) x δ = slice (decode m k) x δ ++ [] by rewrite app_nil_r.
        have → : δ' = δ by lia. rewrite Nat.sub_diag slice_nil.
        rewrite Φ_derive_spec; eauto; [lia|]. unfold derive.
      + have → : slice (decode m k) x δ = slice (decode m k) x δ' ++ slice (decode m k) (x + δ') (δ - δ')
          by rewrite -slice_split.
        rewrite !Φ_derive_spec; eauto; [lia..|]. unfold derive.

This definition is the encoding of $\Phi_\text{multi}(A, x, \delta)$. Although our implementation (as mentioned in the paper) uses $Two$ to encode, it is logically equivalent to |{ψ | ψ choice_clauses A δ Φ_choice_sem ψ x δ k m}| 2, which is restated as the following existential form:
  Definition Φ_multi (A : N) (x δ : nat) : formula := λ k m,
     ψ1, ψ1 choice_clauses A δ
       ψ2, ψ2 choice_clauses A δ
        ψ1 ψ2 Φ_choice_sem ψ1 x δ k m Φ_choice_sem ψ2 x δ k m.

  Lemma app_length_le_l {A} (l1 l2 l : list A) :
    l1 ++ l2 = l
    length l1 length l.
    intros Hl. apply (f_equal length) in Hl. rewrite app_length in Hl. lia.

  Local Lemma wrap_with_id (P : Prop) :
    P id P.
  Proof. done. Qed.

  Local Ltac wrap H := applywrap_with_id in H.

  Local Ltac congruence_by H :=
    match goal with
    | H1 : ?x = ?z1, H2 : ?y = ?z2, H : ?x = ?y |- _
      rewrite H1 in H; rewrite H2 in H

Correctness of Φ_multi (Lemma 5.7).
  Lemma Φ_multi_spec k m x δ A :
    Φ_well_formed k m
    Φ_derive k m
    x + δ k
    Φ_multi A x δ k m t1, t1 A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ
       t2, t2 A ={G}=> slice (decode m k) x δ ¬ similar t1 t2.
    intros ? ?. split.
    - (* -> *)
      intros [ψ1 [Hψ1 [ψ2 [Hψ2 [Hne [HΦ1 HΦ2]]]]]].
      eapply Φ_choice_sem_witness in HΦ1; eauto.
      eapply Φ_choice_sem_witness in HΦ2; eauto.
      repeat case_match.
      all: apply elem_of_choice_clauses in Hψ1, Hψ2.
      all: repeat match goal with
      | [ H : _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H as [H ?]
      | [ H : _, _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H as [? H]
      all: simpl in *; try congruence.
      all: repeat match goal with
      | [ H : ?t ?A ={?G}=> ?w |- t, t ?A ={?G}=> ?w _ ] ⇒
         t; split; [by apply H|]; clear H
      end ⇒ //=.
      × intros Heq. subst. rewrite Heq in Hψ2.
        eapply unary_clause_predicate_unique in Hψ1; [|exact Hψ2].
        subst. congruence.
      × intros [Heq1 [Heq2 Heqw]]. subst. rewrite Heq1 Heq2 in Hψ2.
        eapply binary_clause_predicate_unique in Hψ1; [|exact Hψ2].
        subst. congruence_by Heqw.
        apply slice_eq_inv in Heqw. 2-3: rewrite decode_length; lia.
    - (* <- *)
      intros [t1 [[? [? Ht1]] [t2 [[? [? Ht2]] ?]]]].
      destruct t1 as [?|??|??|? t11 t12]; destruct t2 as [?|??|??|? t21 t22].
      all: simpl in *; try done; try congruence.
      all: invert Ht1.
      all: invert Ht2.
      all: unfold Φ_multi.
      all: repeat match goal with
      | [ H : ?A ε _ |- ψ, ψ choice_clauses ?A ?δ _ ] ⇒
        assert (using_ε choice_clauses A δ) by (by apply elem_of_choice_clauses);
        eexists; split; [eauto|]; wrap H
      | [ H : ?A atom ?a _ |- ψ, ψ choice_clauses ?A ?δ _ ] ⇒
        assert (using_atom a choice_clauses A δ) by (by apply elem_of_choice_clauses);
        eexists; split; [eauto|]; wrap H
      | [ H : ?A unary ?B _ |- ψ, ψ choice_clauses ?A ?δ _ ] ⇒
        assert (using_unary B φ choice_clauses A δ) by (by apply elem_of_choice_clauses);
        eexists; split; [eauto|]; wrap H
      | [ H : ?A binary (root ?t1) (root ?t2) ?φ _ |- ψ, ψ choice_clauses ?A ?δ _ ] ⇒
        assert (using_binary (root t1) (root t2) φ (length (word t1)) choice_clauses A δ) by
          (apply elem_of_choice_clauses; split; [done
            | erewrite <-slice_length; [ eapply app_length_le_l; eauto | by rewrite decode_length ]
        eexists; split; [eauto|]; wrap H
      all: split; first try congruence.
      12: {
        intros Heq. invert Heq.
        have Hw : word t11 ++ word t12 = word t21 ++ word t22 by congruence.
        apply app_inj_1 in Hw ⇒ //. naive_solver.
      all: try (split; eapply Φ_choice_sem_witness; simpl; eauto).
      all: repeat match goal with
      | [ |- _ _ ={ _ }=> _ ] ⇒
        repeat split; simpl; try done; try congruence; econstructor; eauto
      | [ H : [] = slice (decode _ _) _ ?δ |- ?δ = 0 _ ] ⇒
        rewrite -H; symmetry in H; apply slice_nil_iff in H; [|by rewrite decode_length]; split; first done
      | [ H : [_] = slice (decode _ _) _ ?δ |- ?δ = 1 _ = term _ _ _ ] ⇒
        rewrite -H; symmetry in H; apply slice_singleton_iff in H; [|by rewrite decode_length];
        let H' := fresh in destruct H as [-> H']; rewrite decode_lookup in H'; [lia|];
        invert H'; do 2 (split; first done)
      | [ |- t, root t = root ?t' _ ] ⇒
         t'; split; first done
      | [ |- t1 t2, root t1 = root ?t1' root t2 = root ?t2' _ ] ⇒
         t1', t2'; do 2 (split; first done)
      | [ |- word ?t = slice (decode _ _) _ _ _ ] ⇒
        split; first by (eapply slice_app_inv_NoDup; eauto; rewrite decode_length; lia)

Overall Encoding

The formula $\Phi(k)$.

Formal Properties

Soundness (Theorem 5.9). Note that m Φ_amb A k is just Φ_amb A k m, and decode m k gives the satisfying sentence.
  Theorem Φ_amb_sound A k m :
    Φ_amb A k m derive_amb G A (decode m k).
    intros [? [? [[? ?] [X HX]]]].
    apply derive_amb_iff_local_amb ⇒ //.
    destruct HX as [[? Hm]|[x [δ [? [? [? Hm]]]]]].
    - X, []; split; first by apply Φ_reach_empty_spec.
      eapply Φ_multi_spec in Hm; eauto; last lia.
      simpl in Hm. naive_solver.
    - X, (slice (decode m k) x δ); split; first by apply Φ_reach_nonempty_spec.
      eapply Φ_multi_spec in Hm; eauto. naive_solver.

Completeness (Theorem 5.10). Note that m, Φ_amb X k m is just "Φ_amb X k is satisfiable".
  Theorem Φ_amb_complete X k w :
    well_formed w length w = k derive_amb G X w m, Φ_amb X k m.
    intros ? <- Hamb.
    apply derive_amb_iff_local_amb in Hamb; eauto.
    destruct Hamb as [C [h [Hr [t1 [t2 [Ht1 [Ht2 Hne]]]]]]].
     (encode X w).
    have ? : Φ_well_formed (length w) (encode X w) by apply Φ_well_formed_sat.
    have ? : Φ_derive (length w) (encode X w) by apply Φ_derive_sat.
    have ? : Φ_reach X (length w) (encode X w) by apply Φ_reach_sat.
    do 3 (split; first done). C.
    destruct h as [|tk h].
    - left. split; first done.
      eapply Φ_multi_spec; eauto; lia.
    - right.
      have Hsub : sublist (tk :: h) w by eapply reachable_sublist; eauto.
      apply sublist_slice in Hsub as [x [? Hh]].
       x, (length (tk :: h)).
      simpl can_reach_from. rewrite -Hh. repeat split ⇒ //.
      { rewrite cons_length; lia. }
      eapply Φ_multi_spec; eauto.
      rewrite decode_encode -Hh; eauto.

  (* Uncomment to print all the assumptions (axioms, parameters and variables) 
     the two main theorems use: *)

  (* Print Assumptions Φ_amb_sound. *)
  (* Print Assumptions Φ_amb_complete. *)

End encoding.