
From stdpp Require Import relations finite.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From LS2NF Require Import grammar acyclic_wf.

Acyclicity of LS2NF

Section acyclic.

  Context {Σ N : Type} `{!EqDecision N}.
  Context (G : grammar Σ N).

  Open Scope grammar_scope.

Relation succ corresponds to the directed edges on the graph representation of an LS2NF.
  Inductive succ : relation N :=
    | succ_unary A B φ :
      A unary B φ G
      succ A B
    | succ_left A B E φ :
      A binary B E φ G
      G E []
      succ A B
    | succ_right A B E φ :
      A binary E B φ G
      G E []
      succ A B

Relation prec is the reverse of succ.
  Definition prec : relation N := flip succ.

A grammar is acyclic if its graph is acyclic, i.e., the succ relation is an acyclic relation.
  Definition acyclic : Prop := rel_acyclic succ.

  Context `{!Finite N}.

Both prec and succ are well-founded relations on acyclic grammars.
  Lemma acyclic_prec_wf :
    acyclic wf prec.
  Proof. intros. eapply acyclic_flip_wf; eauto. Qed.
  Lemma acyclic_succ_wf :
    acyclic wf succ.
  Proof. intros. eapply acyclic_wf; eauto. Qed.

End acyclic.