
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From stdpp Require Import prelude.
From LS2NF Require Import grammar sub_derive.

Section ambiguity.

  Context {Σ N : Type}.
  Implicit Type t s T : @tree Σ N.

  Open Scope grammar_scope.

Similarity of Parse Trees

Similarity here is defined assuming the parse trees have the same root and the same word. Thus, it will be a bit different from the paper definition:
  • We elided the equality of root node;
  • For the binary case: the condition word tB1 = word tB2 is ignored because it is immediate from the fact that word (binary_tree R tA1 tB1) = word (binary_tree R tA2 tB2).
  Definition similar t1 t2 : Prop :=
    match t1, t2 with
    | ε_tree _, ε_tree _True
    | token_tree _ tk1, token_tree _ tk2tk1 = tk2
    | unary_tree _ t1, unary_tree _ t2root t1 = root t2
    | binary_tree _ tA1 tB1, binary_tree _ tA2 tB2
        root tA1 = root tA2 root tB1 = root tB2 word tA1 = word tA2
    | _, _False

  Lemma similar_refl :
    Reflexive similar.
    intros t. by destruct t.

  Context `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!EqDecision N}.
  Context (G : grammar Σ N).

Two Notions of Ambiguity

Derivation ambiguity: standard notion of ambiguity.
  Definition derive_amb A w : Prop :=
     t1 t2, t1 A ={G}=> w t2 A ={G}=> w t1 t2.

Our notion of local ambiguity (Definition 4.4).
  Definition local_amb A w : Prop :=
     H h, reachable G (A, w) (H, h)
       t1 t2, t1 H ={G}=> h t2 H ={G}=> h ¬ (similar t1 t2).

They Are Equal

We first show: local ambiguity → derivation ambiguity.
We start by defining a function that substitutes s for a subtree t in tree T.
  Fixpoint replace T t s :=
    match T with
    | unary_tree A t1
      if bool_decide (T = t) then Some s else
      t1' replace t1 t s; Some (unary_tree A t1')
    | binary_tree A tl tr
      if bool_decide (T = t) then Some s else
      match replace tl t s with
      | Some tl'Some (binary_tree A tl' tr)
      | Nonetr' replace tr t s; Some (binary_tree A tl tr')
    | _if bool_decide (T = t) then Some s else None

  Lemma bind_Some_is_Some A B (f : A B) mx :
    is_Some (mx ≫= (λ x, Some (f x))) is_Some mx.
    unfold is_Some. setoid_rewrite bind_Some. naive_solver.

  Lemma replace_Some T t s :
    subtree t T is_Some (replace T t s).
    induction T as [?|??|?? IHt|?? IHt1 ? IHt2] ⇒ Ht /=.
    - apply subtree_ε_inv in Ht as →. by case_bool_decide.
    - apply subtree_token_inv in Ht as →. by case_bool_decide.
    - apply subtree_unary_inv in Ht as [->|?]; case_bool_decide ⇒ //.
      apply bind_Some_is_Some. by apply IHt.
    - apply subtree_binary_inv in Ht as [->|[Ht|Ht]]; case_bool_decide ⇒ //; case_match ⇒ //.
      + apply IHt1 in Ht. by invert Ht.
      + apply bind_Some_is_Some. by apply IHt2.

  Local Ltac simpl_bind_eq_Some :=
    repeat match goal with
    | |- Some _ = Some _ _
      let H := fresh in intros H; apply Some_inj in H; revert H
    | |- _ ≫= (λ _, Some _) = Some _ _
      let H := fresh in rewrite bind_Some; intros [? [? H]]; revert H
    | |- (_, _) = (_, _) _inversion 1; subst
    | |- _ = _ _intros ?; subst

  Lemma replace_id T t s :
    replace T t s = Some T s = t.
    induction T ⇒ /=.
    all: case_bool_decide; try case_match; simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //.
    all: naive_solver.

  Lemma replace_witness T t s T' A w H h :
    T A ={G}=> w
    t H ={G}=> h
    s H ={G}=> h
    replace T t s = Some T'
    T' A ={G}=> w.
    intros [? [? HT]] [? [? ?]] ?.
    generalize dependent T'.
    generalize dependent w.
    generalize dependent A.
    induction T as [?|??|? ? IHT|?? IHT1 ? IHT2] ⇒ T' w ? A ? /=.
    all: case_bool_decide; try case_match; simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //=.
    all: invert HT.
    - specialize (IHT (ltac:(done)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(done))) as [Hr [Hw ?]].
      repeat split ⇒ //=.
      econstructor ⇒ //; rewrite ?Hr ?Hw; eauto.
    - specialize (IHT1 (ltac:(done)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(done))) as [Hr [Hw ?]].
      repeat split ⇒ //=. { by rewrite Hw. }
      econstructor ⇒ //; rewrite ?Hr ?Hw; eauto.
    - specialize (IHT2 (ltac:(done)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(reflexivity)) _ (ltac:(done))) as [Hr [Hw ?]].
      repeat split ⇒ //=. { by rewrite Hw. }
      econstructor ⇒ //; rewrite ?Hr ?Hw; eauto.

  Lemma replace_subtree T t s T' :
    replace T t s = Some T' subtree s T'.
    generalize dependent T'.
    induction T as [?|??|?? IHt|?? IHt1 ? IHt2] ⇒ T' /=.
    all: case_bool_decide; try case_match; simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //=.
    - eapply rtc_r; first by apply IHt. constructor.
    - eapply rtc_r; first by apply IHt1. constructor.
    - eapply rtc_r; first by apply IHt2. constructor.

  Lemma local_amb_implies_derive_amb A w :
    local_amb A w derive_amb A w.
Proof outline: Let (H, h) be a signature such that Hr: reachable G (A, w) (H, h). Let t_1 and t_2 be two dissimilar (Hnot: ¬ similar t1 t2) parse trees that both H ={ G }=> h.
    intros [H [h [Hr [t1 [t2 [Ht1 [Ht2 Hnot]]]]]]].
By reachable_spec, there exist t such that Ht: t A ={ G }=> w and that Hsub: subtree t_1 t.
    apply reachable_spec in Hr; last by t1.
    specialize (Hr _ Ht1) as [t [Ht Hsub]].
By substituting t_2 for t_1 in t, we obtain a new parse tree t'.
    edestruct (replace_Some _ _ t2 Hsub) as [t' ?].
We claim that t' and t are the two trees that witness the ambiguity.
     t', t.
To see this, first of all t A ={ G }=> w is exactly Ht.
    split; last (split; first done).
Then t' A ={ G }=> w is true from the property of substitution.
    - eapply replace_witness; last done. all: done.
Finally, they are not equal because t_1 and t_2 are dissimilar.
    - intros <-.
      have ? : t2 = t1 by eapply replace_id; eauto.
      subst. apply Hnot, similar_refl.

We then show: derivation ambiguity → local ambiguity.

  (* Tree difference: given two trees with the same root and word, compare their node pairs in a 
     depth-first order and immediately return the node pair that is found different. *)

  Fixpoint diff t1 t2 :=
    match t1, t2 with
    | ε_tree _, ε_tree _None
    | token_tree _ _, token_tree _ _
      (* tokens must be eq, so no diff *)
    | unary_tree _ t1', unary_tree _ t2'
      (* sentences must be eq, so just compare root *)
      if bool_decide (root t1' = root t2')
      then diff t1' t2'
      else Some (t1, t2)
    | binary_tree _ tl1 tr1, binary_tree _ tl2 tr2
      if bool_decide (root tl1 = root tl2 root tr1 = root tr2 word tl1 = word tl2)
        match diff tl1 tl2 with
        | Some pSome p
        | Nonediff tr1 tr2
      else Some (t1, t2)
    | _, _Some (t1, t2)

  Lemma diff_None t1 t2 :
    root t1 = root t2
    word t1 = word t2
    t1 = t2 diff t1 t2 = None.
    intros. split.
    - intros <-.
      induction t1 ⇒ //=.
      all: case_bool_decide ⇒ //; try case_match; eauto.
    - generalize dependent t2.
      induction t1t2.
      all: destruct t2 ⇒ //=; do 2 (inversion 1; subst).
      all: try case_bool_decide; try case_match ⇒ //=.
      all: inversion 1; subst; try done; naive_solver.

  Lemma diff_Some_inv t1 t2 t1' t2' :
    root t1 = root t2
    word t1 = word t2
    diff t1 t2 = Some (t1', t2')
    root t1' = root t2' word t1' = word t2'.
    generalize dependent t2.
    induction t1 as [?|??|?? IHt|? t11 IHt1 t12 IHt2] ⇒ t2.
    all: destruct t2 as [?|??|??|? t21 t22] ⇒ //= → Hw.
    all: try case_bool_decide; try case_match.
    all: simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //.
    3: have Heq : word t11 = word t21 by naive_solver.
    3: rewrite Heq in Hw.
    all: naive_solver.

  Lemma diff_result_not_similar t1 t2 t1' t2' :
    diff t1 t2 = Some (t1', t2') ¬ (similar t1' t2').
    generalize dependent t2.
    induction t1t2 /=.
    all: repeat case_match; try case_bool_decide ⇒ //.
    all: simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //=.
    all: naive_solver.

  Lemma diff_result_subtree t1 t2 t1' t2' :
    diff t1 t2 = Some (t1', t2') subtree t1' t1 subtree t2' t2.
    generalize dependent t2.
    induction t1 as [?|??|?? IHt|?? IHt1 ? IHt2] ⇒ t2 /=.
    all: repeat case_match; try case_bool_decide ⇒ //.
    all: simpl_bind_eq_Some ⇒ //=.
    1: edestruct IHt; eauto.
    2: edestruct IHt1; eauto.
    3: edestruct IHt2; eauto.
    all: split; etrans; eauto.
    all: apply rtc_once; constructor.

  Lemma derive_amb_implies_local_amb A w :
    derive_amb A w local_amb A w.
Proof outline: Let t_1 t_2 be the two trees that witness the ambiguity.
    intros [t1 [t2 [[Hr1 [Hw1 ?]] [[? [? ?]] ?]]]].
Applying the diff algorithm we obtain two subtrees, say t_1' from t_1 and t_2' from t_2.
    have [[t1' t2'] Hdiff] : is_Some (diff t1 t2).
    { apply not_eq_None_Some. intros Hcontra. apply diff_None in Hcontra ⇒ //.
      all: congruence. }
    have [Hsub1 Hsub2] := (diff_result_subtree _ _ _ _ Hdiff).
We have t1' is valid.
    have Ht1' : t1' root t1' ={G}=> word t1'.
    { repeat split. eapply subtree_valid; eauto. }
Pick the root and word of t1' as the signature.
     (root t1'), (word t1'). split.
By the property of substitution, we can show this signature is reachable from (A, w).
    - apply reachable_spec; first by t1'.
      intros t' Ht'.
      edestruct (replace_Some _ _ t' Hsub1) as [T ?].
       T. split; last eapply replace_subtree; eauto.
      eapply replace_witness. 2: apply Ht1'. 2: apply Ht'. 2: eauto.
      by repeat split.
By the property of diff, we can show t1' and t2' both witness the chosen signature and that they are not similar.
    - t1', t2'.
      have [? ?] : root t1' = root t2' word t1' = word t2'.
      { eapply diff_Some_inv; last eauto. all: congruence. }
      repeat split ⇒ //. eapply subtree_valid; eauto.
      eapply diff_result_not_similar; eauto.

Putting the above results together, we obtain Theorem 4.5.
  Theorem derive_amb_iff_local_amb A w :
    derive_amb A w local_amb A w.
    split; [ apply derive_amb_implies_local_amb
           | apply local_amb_implies_derive_amb ].

End ambiguity.

Arguments similar {_} {_}.