
From stdpp Require Import relations sorting.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.

Declare Scope grammar_scope.
Local Open Scope grammar_scope.


Positioned token: a terminal/token with its position in source file.
Record pos_token (Σ : Type) := {
  token : Σ;
  pos : nat (* line number *) × nat (* column number *);

Arguments token {_}.
Arguments pos {_}.

Notation "a @ p" := {|
  token := a;
  pos := p;
|} (at level 40) : grammar_scope.

Global Instance pos_token_eq_dec Σ `{!EqDecision Σ} : EqDecision (pos_token Σ).
  intros [a1 p1] [a2 p2].
  destruct (decide (a1 = a2 p1 = p2)); [left | right]; naive_solver.

An ascending order for pos_token: either the line number is increasing, or the column number is increasing (when lines are equal).
Definition pos_token_lt (Σ : Type) : relation (pos_token Σ) := λ pt1 pt2,
  match pos pt1, pos pt2 with (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
    (x1 < x2) (x1 = x2 y1 < y2)

Global Instance pos_token_lt_trans Σ : Transitive (pos_token_lt Σ).
  intros [? [? ?]] [? [? ?]] [? [? ?]].
  unfold pos_token_lt. simpl. lia.

In a layout-sensitive grammar, a sentence is a sequence of positioned tokens.
Definition sentence (Σ : Type) : Type := list (pos_token Σ).

Well-formedness: the positions of the tokens are in an ascending order.
Definition well_formed {Σ : Type} (w : sentence Σ) : Prop :=
  Sorted (pos_token_lt Σ) w.


Layout-free clauses, essentially the clauses of CFG's binary normal form.
Inductive lf_clause (Σ N : Type) : Type :=
  | lf_ε
  | lf_atom (a : Σ)
  | lf_unary (A : N)
  | lf_binary (Al Ar : N)

Arguments lf_ε {_} {_}.
Arguments lf_atom {_} {_}.
Arguments lf_unary {_} {_}.
Arguments lf_binary {_} {_}.

Definition check_lf_clause_eq {Σ N} `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!EqDecision N} (α β : lf_clause Σ N) : bool :=
  match α, β with
  | lf_ε, lf_εtrue
  | lf_atom a, lf_atom bbool_decide (a = b)
  | lf_unary A, lf_unary A'bool_decide (A = A')
  | lf_binary Al Ar, lf_binary Al' Ar'
    bool_decide (Al = Al') && bool_decide (Ar = Ar')
  | _, _false

Lemma check_lf_clause_eq_spec {Σ N} `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!EqDecision N} (α β : lf_clause Σ N) :
  check_lf_clause_eq α β = true α = β.
  destruct α; destruct β ⇒ //=.
  all: try rewrite !andb_true_iff.
  all: rewrite !bool_decide_eq_true.
  all: naive_solver.

Global Instance lf_clause_eq_dec Σ N `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!EqDecision N} : EqDecision (lf_clause Σ N).
  intros α β.
  have ? : check_lf_clause_eq α β = true α = β by apply check_lf_clause_eq_spec.
  destruct (check_lf_clause_eq α β); [left | right]; naive_solver.

Layout constraints: a predicate over sentence(s) that is true when the sentence(s) is empty.
Definition unary_predicate (Σ : Type) : Type := {p : sentence Σ bool & p [] = true}.
Definition app₁ {Σ : Type} (φ : unary_predicate Σ) := projT1 φ.

Definition binary_predicate (Σ : Type) : Type :=
  {p : sentence Σ sentence Σ bool & w1 w2, w1 = [] w2 = [] p w1 w2 = true}.
Definition app₂ {Σ : Type} (φ : binary_predicate Σ) := projT1 φ.

Layout-sensitive binary normal form (LS2NF), where Σ is a finite set of terminals (or tokens), and N is a finite set of nonterminals.
In our Coq representation:
  • start gives the start symbol
  • lf_clauses is a mapping from lhs (i.e., nonterminals) to rhs (layout free clause), which indeed contains all layout-free version of production rules
  • lf_clauses_no_dup requires that lf_clauses A is a set (thus has no duplicated elements)
  • unary_clause_predicate and binary_clause_predicate attach the layout constraints to the production rules, say if $A \to B^\varphi$ is a production rule, we let lf_unary B lf_clauses A and unary_clause_predicate A B = φ. Thanks to the nature of mappings, we obtain the following properties for free: (1) rules A unary B φ and A unary B φ' for φ φ' cannot appear simultaneously; and (2) rules A binary B1 B2 φ and A binary B1 B2 φ' for φ φ' cannot appear simultaneously
Record grammar (Σ N : Type) := {
  start : N;
  lf_clauses : N list (lf_clause Σ N);
  lf_clauses_no_dup : A, NoDup (lf_clauses A);
  unary_clause_predicate : N N unary_predicate Σ;
  binary_clause_predicate : N N N binary_predicate Σ;

Arguments lf_clauses {_} {_}.
Arguments lf_clauses_no_dup {_} {_}.
Arguments unary_clause_predicate {_} {_}.
Arguments binary_clause_predicate {_} {_}.

Layout-sensitive clauses: they are what we defined in Definition 3.1.
Inductive clause (Σ N : Type) : Type :=
  | ε (* empty clause *)
  | atom (token : Σ) (* atomic clause *)
  | unary (A : N) (φ : unary_predicate Σ) (* unary clause $A^φ$ *)
  | binary (Al Ar : N) (φ : binary_predicate Σ) (* binary clause $Al φ Ar$ *)

Arguments ε {_} {_}.
Arguments atom {_} {_}.
Arguments unary {_} {_}.
Arguments binary {_} {_}.

Definition clauses {Σ N : Type} (G : grammar Σ N) (A : N) : list (clause Σ N) :=
  (λ α, match α with
  | lf_εε
  | lf_atom aatom a
  | lf_unary Bunary B (unary_clause_predicate G A B)
  | lf_binary Bl Brbinary Bl Br (binary_clause_predicate G A Bl Br)
  end) <$> lf_clauses G A.

Production rule.
Inductive production (Σ N : Type) : Type :=
  mk_production (lhs : N) (rhs : clause Σ N).
Arguments mk_production {_} {_}.
Notation "A ↦ α" := (mk_production A α) (at level 40) : grammar_scope.

Global Instance production_elem_of_grammar Σ N : ElemOf (production Σ N) (grammar Σ N) := λ p G,
  match p with
  | mk_production A αα clauses G A
Once defined this instance for the type class ElemOf (provided by stdpp), one could use a more familiar notation A α G to indicate that $A \to \alpha$ is a production rule.

Ltac invert H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Section clauses.
  Context {Σ N : Type}.
  Context (G : grammar Σ N).

  Lemma elem_of_clauses A α :
    A α G match α with
    | εlf_ε lf_clauses G A
    | atom alf_atom a lf_clauses G A
    | unary B φ ⇒ lf_unary B lf_clauses G A
        φ = unary_clause_predicate G A B
    | binary Bl Br φ ⇒ lf_binary Bl Br lf_clauses G A
        φ = binary_clause_predicate G A Bl Br
    unfold elem_of, production_elem_of_grammar.
    rewrite elem_of_list_fmap. intros [? [Heq ?]]. destruct α.
    all: case_match ⇒ //.
    all: by invert Heq.

  Lemma unary_clause_predicate_unique A B φ φ' :
    A unary B φ G
    A unary B φ' G
    φ = φ'.
    intros Hφ Hφ'. apply elem_of_clauses in Hφ, Hφ'.

  Lemma binary_clause_predicate_unique A Bl Br φ φ' :
    A binary Bl Br φ G
    A binary Bl Br φ' G
    φ = φ'.
    intros Hφ Hφ'. apply elem_of_clauses in Hφ, Hφ'.
End clauses.


Section parsing.
  Context {Σ N : Type}.

Definition of parse trees: they correspond to the four constructors defined in paper. r is the root node.
  Inductive tree : Type :=
    | ε_tree (r : N) (* empty tree *)
    | token_tree (r : N) (pt : pos_token Σ) (* leaf tree *)
    | unary_tree (r : N) (t : tree) (* unary tree *)
    | binary_tree (r : N) (tl tr : tree) (* binary tree *)

Root node (a nonterminal) of a tree.
  Definition root t : N :=
    match t with
    | ε_tree RR
    | token_tree R _R
    | unary_tree R _R
    | binary_tree R _ _R

The sentence that a tree represents.
  Fixpoint word t : sentence Σ :=
    match t with
    | ε_tree _[]
    | token_tree _ tk[tk]
    | unary_tree _ t'word t'
    | binary_tree _ t1 t2word t1 ++ word t2

Equality of symbols (for both terminals and nonterminals) is obviously decidable.
  Context `{!EqDecision Σ} `{!EqDecision N}.

  Fixpoint check_tree_eq t1 t2 : bool :=
    match t1, t2 with
    | ε_tree A, ε_tree A'bool_decide (A = A')
    | token_tree A tk1, token_tree A' tk2bool_decide (A = A' tk1 = tk2)
    | unary_tree A t1, unary_tree A' t2
      bool_decide (A = A') && check_tree_eq t1 t2
    | binary_tree A tA1 tB1, binary_tree A' tA2 tB2
      bool_decide (A = A') && check_tree_eq tA1 tA2 && check_tree_eq tB1 tB2
    | _, _false

  Lemma check_tree_eq_spec t1 t2 :
    check_tree_eq t1 t2 = true t1 = t2.
    generalize dependent t2.
    induction t1; destruct t2 ⇒ //=.
    all: try rewrite !andb_true_iff.
    all: rewrite !bool_decide_eq_true.
    all: naive_solver.

  Global Instance tree_eq_dec : EqDecision tree.
    intros t1 t2.
    have ? := check_tree_eq_spec t1 t2.
    destruct (check_tree_eq t1 t2); [left | right]; naive_solver.

  Context (G : grammar Σ N).

A parse tree is said valid if it follows the production rules and fulfills the layout constraints.
  Inductive tree_valid : tree Prop :=
    | valid_ε A :
      A ε G
      tree_valid (ε_tree A)
    | valid_token A a p :
      A atom a G
      tree_valid (token_tree A (a @ p))
    | valid_unary A t' φ :
      A unary (root t') φ G
      tree_valid t'
      app₁ φ (word t') = true
      tree_valid (unary_tree A t')
    | valid_binary A t1 t2 φ :
      A binary (root t1) (root t2) φ G
      tree_valid t1
      tree_valid t2
      app₂ φ (word t1) (word t2) = true
      tree_valid (binary_tree A t1 t2)

Definition of witness.
  Definition tree_witness t A w := root t = A word t = w tree_valid t.

Definition of "A derives w" in a declarative fashion.
  Definition derive A w : Prop := t, tree_witness t A w.

End parsing.
Notation "✓{ G } t" := (tree_valid G t) (at level 40, format "'✓{' G '}' t") : grammar_scope.
Notation "t ▷ A ={ G }=> w" := (tree_witness G t A w) (at level 40) : grammar_scope.
Notation "G ⊨ A => w" := (derive G A w) (at level 65) : grammar_scope.