
From stdpp Require Import relations sorting.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.

Utility Lemmas

Ltac invert H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Fixpoint index_range (n : nat) : list nat :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ []
  | S n'index_range n' ++ [n']

Lemma index_range_length n :
  length (index_range n) = n.
  induction n ⇒ //=.
  rewrite app_length /=. lia.

Lemma index_range_lookup n i :
  i < n index_range n !! i = Some i.
  intros. induction n; first lia.
  simpl. destruct (decide (i = n)) as [->|].
  - rewrite lookup_app_r index_range_length //.
    by rewrite Nat.sub_diag.
  - have ? : i < n by lia.
    rewrite lookup_app_l ?index_range_length; naive_solver.

Lemma index_range_elem_of n x :
  x index_range n x < n.
  rewrite elem_of_list_lookup. split.
  - intros [i Hi].
    have ? : i < n.
    { rewrite <- index_range_length. eapply lookup_lt_Some; eauto. }
    rewrite index_range_lookup in Hi ⇒ //.
  - intros ?. x. by rewrite index_range_lookup.

Section Sorted_lemmas.

  Context {A : Type} (R : relation A).

  Definition monotone (l : list A) : Prop :=
     i j x y, l !! i = Some x l !! j = Some y i < j R x y.

  Context `{!Transitive R}.

  Definition monotone_trans_alt (l : list A) : Prop :=
     i x y, i < length l - 1 l !! i = Some x l !! (i + 1) = Some y R x y.

  Lemma monotone_trans_alt_spec l :
    monotone_trans_alt l monotone l.
    intros Hm i j x y Hx Hy ?.
    have ? : j < length l by apply lookup_lt_is_Some.
    have [k ?] : k : nat, j = i + (1 + k) by (j - i - 1); lia. subst.
    generalize dependent y.
    induction k as [|k IHk] ⇒ y Hy. { apply (Hm i); [lia | done..]. }
    have [z Hz] : is_Some (l !! (i + (1 + k))) by apply lookup_lt_is_Some; lia.
    etrans. { apply IHk; eauto; lia. }
    apply (Hm (i + (1 + k))); [lia|auto..]. rewrite -Hy; f_equal; lia.

  Lemma Sorted_cons_iff a l :
    Sorted R (a :: l) (Sorted R l HdRel R a l).
    - by apply Sorted_inv.
    - intros [? ?]. by apply Sorted_cons.

  Lemma HdRel_Forall x l :
    Sorted R l HdRel R x l Forall (R x) l.
    intros. apply Sorted_extends; eauto.

  Lemma Sorted_monotone l :
    Sorted R l monotone l.
    induction l as [|a l IHl] ⇒ //.
    rewrite Sorted_cons_iff.
    - intros [Hm Ha] i j x y Hx Hy ?.
      destruct i; simpl in Hx.
      × invert Hx. destruct j; [lia|]. simpl in Hy.
        apply elem_of_list_lookup_2 in Hy.
        eapply Forall_forall; last exact Hy. by apply HdRel_Forall.
      × destruct j; [lia|]. simpl in Hy.
        apply IHl in Hm. eapply Hm; eauto; lia.
    - intros Hm. split.
      × apply IHl. intros i j x y Hx Hy ?. apply (Hm (S i) (S j)) ⇒ //. lia.
      × destruct l as [|b l] ⇒ //. constructor. apply (Hm 0 1) ⇒ //.

End Sorted_lemmas.